


摘 要:20世纪20年代,北京大学史学系、政治学系双聘教授李大钊率先在北京大学开设“唯物史观”课程,将唯物史观引入政治学的教学和研究。同一时期,北京大学政治学系教授高一涵用学术论文、报刊文章、演讲等方式向社会介绍唯物史观;陈启修教授更以唯物史观作为观察和分析中国政治基本问题的方法论,写作出版了《新政治学》,提出存在着资本主义政治学和社会主义政治学两个派别,尝试建立新的中国政治学研究体系。他们运用唯物史观对权力、国家、民主、社会、革命、阶级等重要概念予以解释,不仅为北京大学政治学的教学和学术研究设置了新的议题,提供了新的方法,也为中国马克思主义政治学体系的建立做出了最早的贡献。


【作 者】金安平,北京大学政府管理学院教授,北京大学国家治理研究院研究员。

【Title】”Historical Materialim” in the 1920s’ PKU Political Science

Abstract: In the 1920s, academic innovation was trending in the Department of Political Science of Peking University. Li Dazhao, professor of both political science and history, was pioneering to offer the course “Historical Materialism”. Hence, historical materialism, a new methodology by then, was introduced to the teaching and research of political science. Meanwhile, Professor Gao Yihan made this new methodology more familiar to the general public through his journal and newspaper articles and speeches. Professor Chen Qixiu applied historical materialism and materialistic dialectics to investigate China’s fundamental political issues. His book entitled New Political Science attempted to establish a new research methodological system appropriate for Chinese political studies by suggesting a socialist political science besides capitalist political science. By applying this new methodology and re-conceptualizing such concepts as power, state, democracy, society, revolution as well as class, these visionary scholars not only set new agenda for the teaching and research at Peking University but also proposed a promising direction in political research, and laid a sound foundation for the establishment of the Marxist system of political science in China.

Key words:  Li Dazhao, Chen Qixiu, Gao Yihan, Historical materialism, New Political Science , The department of political science of Peking University