

句  华   李丰耀



关键词: 中国行政学史;北京大学;民国

【作 者】句华,北京大学政府管理学院教授;李丰耀,北京大学历史学系博士生。

【Title】Exploring the Road of “Truth-Seeking” and “practicality-Seeking”---The Early Course of Public administration at Peking University(1902-1952)

Abstract: The construction of Chinese Public Administration cannot be separated from the support of discipline history. The research on the history of Chinese Public Administration has been relatively weak, and has accumulated in recent years. Peking University is an important birthplace of the introduction and construction of this discipline in China, but the research on this aspect is not enough. This paper intends to do a relatively systematic combing of the early development of Public Administration at Peking University, the time span covers the late Qing dynasty to department adjustment in 1952, the theme focused on administration, from academic education, academic understanding, academic research and academic organization. The historical data used have expanded with the previous documents, hoping to be promoted in the research.

Key Words: History of Chinese Public Administration, Peking University, The Republic of China