

段德敏 邢昌新 王晶晶 俞涵琪


摘 要:在近二十年的西方政治思想研究领域,“政治”的回归是一大重要主题。作为全球性现象的新自由主义运动可以说承担了冷战以后化约政治的主要努力,但从阿伦特等人的视角来看,广义上的自由主义无法解释世界大战时期的人类灾难,也难以提供一个令人满意的规范性替代方案。即便是著名政治哲学家罗尔斯,也意识到其《正义论》中的自由主义正义理论的局限,希望用一种所谓“政治的自由主义”加以补救,而当代政治思想家墨菲则对此补救也无法接受。同样是强调“政治”,施米特与阿伦特有着巨大的不同。不过,如果我们往思想史的纵深处追溯的话,类似的区别至少从马基雅维利对亚里士多德传统的批判与继承时就已存在。由此,我们也可以更深入地考察“政治”的概念在通常被认为是“自由主义”的理论——如托克维尔——那里的核心地位,以及这种理论对当代比较政治研究中“重新找回国家”范式的影响。实际上,“重新找回国家”的背后是“重新找回政治”,国家的范畴即政治范畴。本文以“重新找回政治”为主题,对近二十年左右西方政治思想的研究做一个大笔涂绘式的梳理和有主题、有针对性的理论探讨。


【作 者】段德敏,博士,北京大学政府管理学院政治学系长聘副教授,主要研究方向为西方政治思想与政治史、国家理论等;邢昌新、王晶晶、俞涵琪为北京大学政府管理学院博士研究生。

【Title】Bring the Political Back in——Reflections on Western Political Thought Studies and Looking Forward

Abstract: Over the latest two decades, the return of “the political” is one of the most important themes in the field of Western political thought. It is fair to say that the neoliberal movement, as a global phenomenon, has played the main role in expelling the political after the Cold War. However, for Arendt and other political thinkers, liberalism in a broad sense cannot explain the human disasters during the World War, nor can it provide satisfying alternative norms. Even Rawls, the famous political philosopher, is aware of the limitations of the liberal theory of justice formulated in A Theory of Justice and resorts to the concept, so-called “political liberalism”, as a remedy, which is unacceptable for Murphy, a contemporary political thinker. In spite of the agreement on the importance of the political, Schmitt is distinguished from Arendt. The different between them could be traced back to Machiavelli and Aristotelian tradition, if we dive to the depth of the history of thought. Based on this, we can further examine the core position of the political in Tocqueville’s theory, which is usually considered as “liberalism” one, and its influence on the paradigm of “bring the state back in” in contemporary comparative political. In fact, behind the “bring the state back in” stands the “bring the political back in”. The category of the state is identical to the politics. Taking “bring the political back in” as the title, this thesis aims to sketch and summarize the research of western political thought over the latest two decades, and based on which do some theoretical exploration under specific topics.

Key words: History of political thought, Politics, State, Political theory