



【关 键 词】比较政治;国家构建;民主转型;政治制度;族群冲突

【作   者】包刚升,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院(上海,200433)

【Title】Between Political Reality and Theoretical Construction: Comparative Politics in the 21st Century

【Abstract】Comparative politics, which emerged in the second half of the 20th century, is the most important branch of political science. In terms of issues and theories, comparative politics has made significant progress since the 21st century. Firstly, the theory of the state has made the transition from periphery to mainstream. The area of state-building, state capacity and national identity have not only become major research topics, but also produced fruitful results. Secondly, political regime and democratization have undergone a change from simplicity to diversity. The study of democratization in the developing world, the study of democracy in developed industrial democracies and the study of authoritarian regimes have gone hand in hand, resulting in many findings. Thirdly, the study of political institutions has completed a shift from crude to refined research. It shifted to new institutionalism, constitutional engineering began to emerge, and the design of political systems and constitutions in highly divided societies became a hot topic. Finally, the issue of political conflict and civil war was theorized, rather than remaining a description of phenomena. Comparative studies of ethnic and religious conflicts, political violence and civil wars have become a new theoretical issue. In short, comparative politics has walked the line between political reality and theoretical construction since the 21st century, and has been more characterized by driven by political reality. Today, comparative politics still faces the challenge of providing effective theories of political reality and effective solutions to improve them.

【Key Words】Comparative politics, State building, Democratization, Political institutions, Ethnic conflicts