
陆 军




【作 者】陆军,北京大学政府管理学院副院长,城市与区域管理系教授,博士生导师;北京大学国家治理研究院研究员;北京大学首都高端智库学术委员会委员。

【Title】The Modern Evolution of China's Urban Management(2001-2021)

Abstract: In the 21st century, due to the impact of large-scale urbanization, regional integration, technological innovation and economic globalization, it is so urgent for Chinese cities to carry out systematic strategic analysis, determine the direction of management reform, reshape economic functions, and enhance comprehensive competition force. Through a systematic review of theoretical literature and practical experience, this article deeply summarizes the meaning and guiding role of all major policies of Chinese urban management since the beginning of the 21st century. At the same time, from the four dimensions of ideology, organizational system, operational services and technical support, this article constructed the conceptual framework of China's urban management modernization, and further systematically reviewed the evolution of the above-mentioned "four modernizations" of urban management.

Keywords: Urban management, Policy evolution, Modernization of governance, Smart city, Community