



【摘  要】 “原初状态”中所包含的个人观在罗尔斯的正义理论中颇受争议。有批评者认为,原初状态只是一个形而上学的假设,它所包含的个人观过于抽象与空洞。事实上,作为一个思想实验,原初状态旨在对正义原则的产生情景进行高度概括和形象模拟。在罗尔斯看来,正义原则应该被表达为自由的、平等的、“理性的”、“合理的”个体在公平对等条件下的建构,是决策程序的产物,它并不基于抽象的个人观,而是由公民的规范观念所决定。原初状态中各派的行动既由个体的一般欲望所驱动,也受其道德能力中的最高阶利益和终极目的所主导,这种个人观既不缺乏动机要素,也不缺乏对日常合理性欲求的承认。原初状态的约束虽然是理论假设的,但其中所体现与反映的内容却是我们内心的确信,是沉淀于公共文化中的共识。此外,原初状态启发与帮助着我们每个人认清自身的根本认同与全面需求,在其中所达成的正义原则不仅具有应然性,同时也具有实然性。


Abstract: The concept of person contained in "original position" is quite controversial in Rawls's theory of justice. Some critics believe that the original position is just a metaphysical hypothesis, and the conception of person in it is too abstract and empty. In fact, as a thought experiment, its original position aims to highly generalize and simulate the scene how justice principles emerge. According to Rawls, principles of justice should be the construction of free, equal, "reasonable" and "rational" individuals under fair and reciprocal conditions. It is a product of decision-making process, and is not based on abstract concept of person, but determined by citizens’ normative concepts. The actions of the various parties in original position are not only driven by individuals’ general desires, but also by the highest-level interests and ultimate goals of their moral abilities. This conception of person lacks neither motivational elements nor rational desires. Although the constraints of original position are theoretically hypothetical, the contents embodied and reflected in it are our inner convictions, which are also consensus rooted in public culture. In addition, original position inspires and helps each of us to recognize our own fundamental identity and overall needs. The principles of justice reached in it are not only with desirability, but also with feasibility.

Key Words: Original position, Veil of ignorance, Thought experiment, Rawls