


  关键词: 埃德蒙•柏克;诺曼征服;英国政治思想史


   【Title】A Layered History of British Politics: A New Interpretation of Edmund Burke’s Discussions about the Norman Conquest

  Abstract: This paper revisits political philosopher Burke’s viewpoints and ideas on the historical event of Norman Conquest. It points out that Burke’s relatively positive assessment of that event was largely built upon his peculiar understanding and interpretation of the British Constitutional history and the tradition of British political order. Burke’s trademark idea of an organic contract existed between “the dead, the living and the unborn” and an unbroken linkage between “the past, the current and the future” makes himself quite receptive  into the bright sides of the Conquest. In order to achieve their political goals, Burke’s intellectual enemies all tended to overemphasize the negative aspects of the Conquest, this further propel Burke to come to defend the critical historical position occupied by the Conquest. Moreover, Burke’s stance and analysis on the Conquest can be directly linked with his special ideas about a tolerant, liberal, law-abiding but nevertheless undivided and fully intact British Empire framework. Put these clues altogether, we probably can approach closer to a more clear and complete image of Burke’s doctrine.

  Key Words: Edmund Burke, Norman Conquest, History of British political thought