

  摘  要:霍布斯在《论公民》等著作中多次将其政治学说称为新政治科学。本文的关切是,什么是霍布斯新政治科学的基础,从而使得霍布斯能够称自己的思想为新政治科学?一般来说,对霍布斯新政治科学的阐释要么从语言入手,要么从修辞入手,从而更多地认为霍布斯新政治科学衍生自公民人文主义。本文则试图从“科学”这一新的视角入手来回答上述问题:什么是霍布斯的新政治科学,即霍布斯的新政治科学处于什么样的科学潮流中,试图寻找的是什么样的政治秩序?霍布斯这一新政治科学的基础是激情还是理性?因此,对这些问题的回答既需要将霍布斯置于17世纪的新科学潮流中,也需要回到霍布斯的文本。本文认为,霍布斯将理性和激情均看作其新政治科学的基础,并将自己的新政治科学奠基在新科学的方法和对和平的追求上,从而试图构建出具有确定性的政治秩序。



   【Title】Passion or Reason: Hobbes on New Political Science

  Abstract: Hobbes called his political theory as a new political science many times in his works, such as On the Citizens . The concern of this paper is, what is the basis of Hobbes' new political science, so that Hobbes can call his ideas as a new political science? Generally speaking, the interpretation of Hobbes' new political science starts from either language or rhetoric, thus more people believe that Hobbes' new political science derived from civil humanism. This paper tries to answer the above questions from the new perspective of "science": What is Hobbes' new political science, that is, what kind of scientific trend Hobbes' new political science is in, and what kind of political order is it trying to find? Is Hobbes' new political science based on passion or reason? Therefore, the answer to those questions require both placing Hobbes in the new scientific trend of the 17th century and returning to Hobbes' text. What this paper attempts to support is that reason and passion together constitute the basis of Hobbes' new political science,and that Hobbes laid the foundation of his new political science on the method of new science and the pursuit of peace, thus tried to build a deterministic political order.

  Key words: Passion, Reason, New Political Science, Thomas Hobbes