

周鲁耀   戴以壮

【摘  要】公共权力透过制度设计来引领和塑造良好社会习惯,已成为当前政府社会治理的重要目标和常用手段。传统社会中良好社会习惯的实现通常是自发生成的结果,而制度对社会习惯的“形塑”则形成了公共权力对社会习惯的“制度规训”,其中蕴含着政府权力意志对于社会习惯本身价值的判定以及方向的选择。文章以杭州市“斑马线礼让行人”的案例,对制度形塑良好社会习惯的要件与过程展开了具体分析。通过对制度规范的准确性和明确性、应用选择性激励机制以及引导社会成员对制度的价值认同等途径,制度在知识、行为和价值三方面完成了对社会习惯的规训,并使制度成为被社会成员普遍认同和自觉遵行的行为规范。而制度能否成功塑造良好社会习惯还需要综合考虑经济社会制度变迁、政府制度化资源和能力、重大突发事件的影响以及关键契机的把握等因素。


Abstract: Government power shapes good social habits through institution construction, which has been a major goal and common means of social governance. In a traditional society, a good social habit is often a spontaneous outcome, while the shaping of social habits through systems contributes to public power’s institutional discipline on social habits, which contains the judgement and choice of government power and will on the value of social habits. This paper takes the case of “Comity Zebra Crossing Movement in Hangzhou” to specifically analyze the necessary conditions and process of institutions’ shaping good social habits. By means of the accuracy and clarity of the system norms, the application of selective incentive mechanism and the guidance of social members to the value identification of the institution, the institution has completed the regulation of social habits in three aspects: knowledge, behavior and value. Finally, it becomes a shared value in society through constantly shaping collective behaviors. In addition, whether institutions can successfully shape good social habits or not is also affected by changes of economic and social systems, major emergencies, key opportunities and other factors.

Key Words: Institution; Social habits; Institutional-Discipline; Comity Zebra Crossing