
于君博  宋宪策

【摘  要】在当代中国的国家治理结构中,依然富含中央政府为维护权威而坚持的政策统一性同地方政府为实现有效治理而要求的政策灵活性之间的张力。由此,中央政策能否及如何在地方获得有效的执行,一直是中国政策实务与学术工作者关注的重点,也成为了中国国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的试金石。尽管新近的国内外政策执行研究将推动地方政府的话语重构、扩大地方社会的参与和合作以及鼓励地方政府的政策创新作为实现有效政策执行的三项基本路径,但相对于以后两项基本路径为主题的研究,人们对于中国地方政府如何借助话语重构来促进政策执行仍然是所知甚少。本文首先借助周雪光等学者提出的“控制权”理论提炼出政策文本的核心内容,然后构建了“模糊―干预可能性”的分析框架,并将此框架应用于“发改委”和住建部于2017 年发布的生活垃圾分类制度实施方案和国务院于2015 年印发的推进简政放权放管结合转变政府职能的工作方案在全国范围内实施的分析过程中。借助文本分析,本文得以揭示出中国地方政府在政策执行中进行话语重构的基本内容、特征和影响因素,并尝试探究地方政府在不同政策问题上的重构策略与行为逻辑。本研究对理解政策文本在中国国家治理体系中的作用有所裨益。


Abstract: In the contemporary Chinese governance structure, tensions between the policy uniformity of central government’s persistence for maintaining its authority and the policy flexibility of local governments’ demands for effective governance still exist. Thus, can and how can central policies be implemented effectively by local governments has always been the focus for Chinese policy practitioners and scholars. Also, it becomes the touchstone of the modernization of Chinese national governance system and capability. Although three basic paths which are “discourse reconstruction, expanding participation and cooperation and local governments’ innovation” have been frequently regarded as ways to contribute effective policy implementation in recent oversea policy implementation studies. By contrast with the latter two themed studies, we still know little about how local governments implement policies with the help of discourse reconstruction. In this study, we first use Zhou’s Control Right Theory to extract the core contents of policy texts, then we construct the “ambiguity―possibility” framework and apply it to the analytical process about two policies’ implementation in provinces and cities nationwide. The two policies are  respectively the Implementation Plan of Domestic Waste Classification System issued by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2017 and the Work Plan to Streamline Administration, Delegate Power, Delegate Regulation to Transform Government Functions. Through text analysis, our study uncovers the basic contents, features and factors of discourse reconstruction in the local governments’ policy implementation process, and it also tries to explore the reconstruction strategies and behavioral logic of local governments on different policy issues. This study is helpful to understand the role of policy texts in China’s national governance system.

Key words: local government, policy implementation, discourse reconstruction,policy text