


【摘  要】施米特认为霍布斯国家学说的核心枢纽是“保护与服从”,这一点在《利维坦》一书中得到了确认。施米特看到了霍布斯国家理论的政治—神学和政治—法律两重面相,并从政治—神学的面相上分析了利维坦死亡的本质原因:虽然构建利维坦的本质是为了实现保护与服从,但是在自由主义的发展过程中,霍布斯国家学说的政治—神学面相由于全面转向了政治—法律面相,进而失落。然而,施米特并没有很好地展开分析霍布斯保护与服从学说的政治—神学面相,也没有深入讨论霍布斯保护与服从学说的政治—法律面相。为了阐述保护与服从的国家学说,霍布斯不仅从宗教的角度阐述了其政治—神学面相,也从征服(普通法)的角度阐述了其政治—法律面相,政治—神学和政治—法律共同构成了霍布斯保护与服从学说的思想基础。


Abstract: Schmitt argued that the core concept of Hobbes’ state theory is “protection and obedience”, which is confirmed in the book Leviathan . Schmitt saw the dual aspects of politics-theology and politics-law of Hobbes’ state theory, and analyzed the essential causes of Leviathan’s death from a politics-theology perspective: though the ultimate end of constructing Leviathan is the realization of protection and obedience, the political-theological aspect of the Hobbes’ state theory has been lost due to the overall shift from the politics-theology perspective to the politics-law one during the development of liberalism. Nevertheless, Schmitt did not elaborate on the politics-theology aspect of Hobbes’ protection and obedience theory as well, nor did he discuss the politics-law aspect of Hobbes’ theory of protection and obedience. In order to illustrate his state theory of protection and obedience, Hobbes not only expounded on his politics-theology aspect in a religious way, but also explained his ideological basis on how politics-law aspect, politics-theology aspect and politics-law aspect altogether constitute the ideological basis of Hobbes’ theory of protection and obedience from the perspective of conquest (common law).

Key words: Hobbes, Leviathan, Protection and obedience, Law and theology; Liberty

