
【Title】Elites and Political Parties: A Comparative Analysis of the Democratization Process in Five Central and Eastern European Countries

【作者】费海汀,北京大学 中国政治学研究中心 助理教授;朱江彬,北京大学 元培学院学生。


Abstract:The oligarchization of political parties is an important reason for the stagnation and reversal of the democratization process in transitive countries. The oligarchization of political parties refers to party’s affiliation to a specific political elite individual or group. Oligarchized political parties will give political elites a stronger motive to challenge the existing competition rules and procedures, thus undermining the consensus among elite groups and shifting the track of transition. Taking five countries in Central and Eastern Europe as examples, this paper verifies and analyzes two existing elite behavior models (“Lord of the Flies” model and “King of the Mountain” model). The results show that Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic are positive cases, which can still meet the description of the two theoretical models to a certain extent, but we need to reduce the emphasis on the institutional construction at the beginning of the transition and pay more attention to the impact of party construction on the transition process. Ukraine and Slovakia are more of negative cases, that is to say, the expected results of the two models do not appear. Ukraine failed to meet the benign expectations of the model, while Slovakia did not have the vicious expectations of the model. The important difference between them also lies in the party system and party construction, especially the degree of oligarchization. This paper holds that the role of party construction in the process of transition is still underestimated. Political parties that can resist and get rid of the tendency of oligarchization and those that can restrain political elites are easier to abide by competition rules and create a good political environment for the transition process.


Democratization, Democratic backsliding, Political elites, Political parties, Central and Eastern Europe