

摘  要:本文先批判性综述了关于中国经济发展研究的新制度主义、发展型国家两大理论解释及一些基于中国实践特征的研究,提出这些理论解释虽然侧重点不同,但都注重到国家能力的重要性。接着,本文归纳并提出政党组织的制度特征和执政能力是推进经济发展、促进市场形成和发展的国家能力的制度基础,并从改革开放中计划到市场、政府职能转变和企业成为市场主体三个角度阐释了上述观点,讨论了未来挑战和改革中尚存的一些需要进一步完善的问地方。


【作 者】张长东,政治学博士,北京大学政府管理学院长聘副教授。

【Title】Party, State Capacity and Economic Development: The Evolution of State-Market Relation in China’s Reform Era

Abstract: There are two main stream theories explaining China’s rapid economic development in the reform era, new institutionalism and developmental state theory. Realizing the weaknesses of two main stream theories, and based on China’s unique experience as a transitional economy and developing economy, scholars also developed other theories. While three theories have very different focuses, they agree on the importance of state capacity. The author argues that the Chinese Communist Party composes the institutional foundation of state capacities to promote economic growth and build market institutions, and discusses three important aspects of how party strength and state capacity helped the market transition, government restructuring and enterprise reform. The future challenges are discussed in the conclusion.

Key words: Political party, State capacity, Government-Market relation