



【摘要】  距离中共一大召开仅仅3年半后的1925年1月,中共召开了四大,此时全国的党员只有994名,还是一个处于幼年时期的政党。但就是这样一个还在幼年的、人数极少的政党,却显现出了强大的组织、动员能力。这一年,中国共产党发动、组织、领导了25万人规模的省港大罢工,罢工持续时间长达16个月。这不仅是世界工人运动史上坚持时间最长的罢工,也是一个政党动员、组织、领导能力的奇迹。本文认为这一奇迹的实现,固然有近代以来中国人民对西方帝国主义侵华和殖民剥削压榨的不满和愤怒的基础,有国共第一次合作和建立统一战线的政治背景。但罢工的发动和领导者中国共产党,充分发挥政党的功能,把工会作为政党动员最重要的组织和沟通工具,作为政党的组织延伸,形成了政党-工会-罢工工人代表大会--罢工委员会的严密领导结构。特别是解决了筹款募捐这个实现罢工最重要的问题,使得中国共产党完成了革命政党的一次“超能量”的伟大尝试。


【作 者】金安平,北京大学政府管理学院教授,北京大学国家治理研究院研究员。

【Title】Organizational Capacity of the Communist Party of China in the Early Stage----A Case Study of the Leadership Structure and Financing of the Canton–Hong Kong Strike

Abstract :January 1925, only three and a half years after the Communist Party of China held its First Congress, the party held the Fourth Congress. With 994 party members nationwide, it was still in the infant stage. Such a young and minority party, nevertheless, demonstrated a strong organizational and mobilizational capacity. In this year, the Communist Party of China mobilized, organized, and led the Canton-Hong Kong Strike, which had 250,000 participants and lasted for 16 months. This is not only the longest strike in the world history of workers’ movement, but also a miracle of a political party’s organizational ability, mobilization capacity, and leadership. It is true that the realization of this miracle is rooted in the Chinese people’s grievance and anger about foreign invasion and colonial repression since the modern era, as well as in the political background of the First United Front. But this paper argues the initiator and leader of this strike, the Communist Party of China, fully utilized the functions of a political party, using the workers’ union as the most important organizational and communication tool for political mobilization and as an extension of the party. A well-organized leadership structure was formed among the party, the union, the congress of striking workers, and the strike committee. In particular, solving the financing problem, the most important problem of striking, made the Communist Party of China accomplished a great feat that exceeded the power of an early revolutionary party.

Key words: Strike committee, Congress of striking workers, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Party capacity