
张长东 冯维 惠波

  摘  要:法治建设是国家治理的重要内容。在非西方式民主国家中,独立的司法系统被认为发挥了建立社会控制、提供政权合法性、加强对官僚体系的控制并且促成政体内部各派系的合作、给予投资者可信承诺以促进贸易投资,以及政策决策去政治化以减少政策失败对政府的负面影响等作用,从而能有效改善国家治理。在这个分析框架下,本文从法院的治理角色、民众法律意识和司法支持网络的角度批判性地回顾了英文文献中对中国法制治建设的研究,并探讨了基于其他发展中国家的研究对中国法治建设和推进国家治理的借鉴意义。



     【Title】China’s Building Rule by Law and State Governance under Comparative Perspective: A Literature Review

  Abstract: Building rule of law is an important task for state governance. In non-western democracies, independent court system is regarded as playing the following functions: social control, legitimating the regime, improving control over bureaucracy and eliciting cooperation among factions within the regime, providing credible commitment for investors to promote investment, and depoliticizing policy making process, therefore contribute to modernization of state governance. This paper also reviews two trends of western studies of China’s rule of law: the independence of judiciary system and citizens’ legal consciousness. We conclude the paper by discussing the implication of the studies of other developing countries’ rule of law on China’s ongoing rule of law and modernization of state governance.

  Keywords: Rule of law, State governance, Legal consciousness