


【摘  要】自20世纪90年代至今,“社会资本”研究从社会科学的边缘晋升为主流,“社会资本”甚至成为公共讨论的常用术语,罗伯特·帕特南在其中的作用可谓举足轻重。90年代初,政治学的知识话语自制度向治理转型, 顺应这一趋势,社会资本经由帕特南从经济学领域引入政治学领域,为制度绩效提供了独特的解释进路。20世纪90年代中后期至21世纪初,帕特南借助翔实的数据全面评估美国公民社会的变化,并用“独自打保龄”一词形容社会资本的流失,成为新社群主义的理论代表。最近10余年间,帕特南渐渐摆脱“社会资本”概念的负累,同时延续“社会资本”无法尽表的敏感主题,关照宗教多元分化及社会阶层分化等宏观社会问题,针对性地倡导重建合众为一的美国文化。


Abstract: Since the 1990s, the research on “social capital” has moved from the margin to the mainstream of social science professions, even “social capital” has turned into a commonly used term for public discussion, in which Robert Putnam plays an important role. In the early nineties, the discourse system of western political science shifted from “Government” to “Governance”. Swimming with the tide, “social capital” was imported from economics to political science by Robert Putnam providing a unique interpretation to “Government performance”. Since the later period of 1990s to the early 21st century, Robert Putnam made a comprehensive assessment of American civil society based on detailed data with the term “bowling alone” being used to characterize the loss of American social capital. In recent ten years, Robert Putnam gradually realized the utilitarianism burden of “social capital“ which made him intentionally get rid of the term. But he continues the existing theme of rebuilding American culture e pluribus unum that social capital focuses on, and explores other related topics such as religious pluralism and social class differentiation in depth.

Key words: Social capital, Robert Putnam, Political culture, Bowling alone

