
刘 顺

【摘  要】柳宗元政论对“公”“私”在政治生活中的影响的考察,将政治与道德之分野与互动的考量,提升至极高的理论水准。其关于“人”之分析,不再聚焦于性之善恶,而以“志”与“明”为贤愚分判的标准,并以之为达成社会有效治理的重要前提。经此迂回,道德维度的影响被重新置入政治生活。在回应中唐社会危局并确立为士之道的过程中,相较于韩愈、李翱一系偏好对于心性问题的探索,柳宗元将理民及物作为运思的重心,并在对佛教思想的接受中形成了道在物中、理事不二的基本判断,从而为“志”与“明”现实品格的获取奠定了理论基础。


Abstract: Liu Zongyuan’s investigation on the impact of “public” and “private” in political life elevates the consideration of the division and interaction between politics and morality to a very high theoretical level. This understanding makes Liu Zongyuan’s analysis of “human” no longer focuses on the good or evil of human nature, but takes “ambition” and “insight” as the criteria for judging the good and the foolish, which is an important prerequisite for effective social governance. Consequently, the influence of moral dimension is reintegrated into political life. Compared with Han Yu and Li Ao who prefer to explore psychological problems, Liu Zongyuan regards “li min ji wu” as the focus of his thinking in response to the social crisis in the mid-Tang Dynasty, and the basic judgments that “Tao is in matters” and “reason and matter are the same” have been formed in his acceptance of Buddhist thought, which lays a theoretical foundation for the acquisition of realistic character of “ambition” and “insight”.

Key words: Liu Zongyuan; Feudalism; Politics and morality; Ambition and insight; Reason and matter

