
马琪  杨薇 廖舫仪

摘要: 数字治理的大力推进极大地提高了政府公共服务的效能,但同时也产生了不均衡和不公平的问题。疫情以来,老年群体数字融入问题愈发凸显。老年人群体由于自身生理因素、经济水平、教育情况、认知局限、技术采纳障碍、心理因素等限制,不仅不能充分享受当下数字化治理的便利,反而加重了其与社会的脱节,成为数字社会中的弱势难民。本文基于数字鸿沟的视角,运用扎根理论展开实证研究,通过与老年人的一对一深度访谈,挖掘老年人数字融入面临的具体困境,分析数字鸿沟的形成机理,继而从接入沟、使用沟和学习沟三个层面探索可行的助推策略,以期找到消弭老年人数字鸿沟的路径。


Abstract:The thriving development of digital governance is improving the efficiency of public service. But meanwhile, it also causes the problem of uneven digital inclusion, especial for the elderly people. Due to older adults’ physical condition, financial condition, cognitive limitations, and the obstacles with technology acceptance and so on, they cannot benefit a lot from the convenience of digital governance, some of them being blocked form the digital society and even become digital refugees. Through the lens of digital divide theory, this study developed an empirical study with semi-structured interviews, and 15 older adults were involved in. Using the technique of grounded theory, the obstacles of digital inclusion among older adults were explored. From three aspects including accessibility, knowledge, and usage, the study explained the mechanism of digital divide among older adults and indicated some strategies to facilitating digital inclusion among older adults.

Key words:Older adults, Digital inclusion, Digital divide, Digital governance

